
Monday, February 4, 2019

Analysis of Three Scenes in Raging Bull Essay -- Movies Film Cinematog

Analysis of the Raging Bull We analyzed two scenes in a movie called the Raging Bull. There were lots of clever techniques that were utilize. I was face for five factors in those two scenes the editing, the lighting and color, the use of the camera the travel and the mise en scene. I will analyze the scenes as much as I can and explain what they intend if possible. Scene 1 This send-off scene was actually the introduction of the movie. There was no editing or camera movement involved in this scene. The scene was filmed in black and white, I believe the director did this to con none to the audience that this is a piece of history. Black and white pictures also connotes the idea of something legendary and historic. This could scene in the topics of mise en scene or lighting and colour. However I believe it is more in the mise en scene topic because it creates an glory that this is something historic and legendary. The intro wa s also filmed in slow doubtfulness with a slow song. I believe that the non-diegetic welltrack was a parallel sound because it matched with the use of slow motion. The director uses these two together intentionally to rig the audience and to allow them to get into the mood of this movie. I felt deal I was watching something important and historic. The soundtrack was the only sound you could here during that premier scene. This scene took place in an arena, where there was a ring. The boxer was unendingly jumping up and down, warming his self up on the leave hand side of the ring. This was an asymmetrical piece because of how the boxer was always on the left hand side of the ring wi... ...ers. We felt like we were in the ring and part of the action. I noticed a few some other things which I felt were also important. The darkening of the audience during the fight showed that they were not important and that the director wanted us to focus on the figh t. I get that the sound during the brawl in the audience was loud, and there was a use of low key lighting, which showed how intense and important this game is, that even out the crowd got involved. There was silence at the start of the final eke out which signified how crucial and important this final round is. I realised that there was smoke behind that opponents head during the break, which could signify that he was the bad one. I conclude that these five important factors were used to create atmospheres and to connote to the audience what is the situation.

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