
Monday, February 18, 2019

Double Deceit - Original Writing :: Papers

Double Deceit - Original Writing I didnt agnise anything about him, until he stepped out of the car. He looked around, taking in his surroundings, and I realised he was an soldiery man, like I employ to be. He stepped towards me, and asked innocently, Excuse me, only is this New London Road? I looked carefully at him, quickly recalling the password No sir, this is New York Avenue He shook my hand quickly, and nodded to the car. No introductions were required. The less I knew about him the divulge - for both of us. I looked out of the windscreen the whole way. The streets of New Yorkwere scary, but right now, the inside of this car was a lot scarier. I was used to looking at people straight in the eye, I was an army person. Yet now, that was useless. This was a different mission. After a full half-hour of driving, the car choppyly stopped. The man kept looking at the stark(a) wheel, and said codename Steve. It was understood immediately, and I quickly replied John. No separate words were needed. He quickly blindfolded me, as I had through with(p) many prisoners in the war, and drove again. After an hour, my legs began to hurt. Being six-foot tall, it was difficult to drive in a car for this long. I also wanted to featherbed my hair badly. I knew that people like Steve did not like the theme of me moving my hands around, but I felt as if a dark bug was crawling around my hair, clearly visible on my grey hair. We finally reached the destination. I was taken out of the car, and frisked before I entered. I knew I had entered the building when I felt a sudden rise in temperature. My blindfold was removed and I found myself in a direction, completely plain. It was weird. I had always imagined that terrorists used dark rooms, with cracks everywhere. This room was different. There was one chair and one window. The window had

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